শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Seeker of Light: Addicted to Self

I am re-posting again because I believe what Andrew says is true and I wanted to share with all of you who may not read his articles. See if there is anything in here that causes you to pause and think about the way you live your life. It could be talking about you. And if it does talk about you, and me, and many more you know, then share it with them as well.

A CULTURE ADDICTED to "SELF" - Comments?? ?by 'Pastor Dave'

Yesterday, I read a report about an Ohio State University study
involving 900 adults ranging in age from 18 to 90 which claimed
that young Americans place such a high value on their sense of
self-worth that they crave praise and compliments more than food,
friendship, and sex! The study also observed that this craving is
akin to an addiction. It is insatiable. The participants in the study
are not all narcissists, of course, but they're kissin' cousins.

The professor who conducted the study identified the 1969 book
The Psychology of Self-Esteem as the launching point for a
generation of Americans obsessed with self-esteem. He concluded
that the obsession is only going to get worse -- "as each new
generation enters a culture that puts a premium on self-worth,
younger Americans spend more time craving and searching for
self-esteem boosts--and less time thinking about others. All that
time spent thinking about yourself not only contributes to
depression, but it makes society a less kind and gentle place."

The seismic shift that began in 1969 has resulted in the tsunamis
of Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, reality TV shows and life-
enhancement church services. Americans just can't seem to get
enough of being true to self, expressing self, fulfilling self, improving
self and advancing self. This addiction has had an enormous impact
on the Christian community. Choosing a church to attend is no
longer a matter of finding where the Word of God is taught and
where people are striving to live in a manner that pleases God. It
is now a matter of finding a church that has the best programs,
preferred music, and activities.

American Christians have become consumers rather than
practitioners. We look for the ?most enjoyable services, the most
convenient schedules, the most engaging presentations, and the
programs that fulfill our desires to the greatest degree. We seem
drawn to the churches that are most like the world. Our primary
concern about church is not how we can serve the church body,
but how the church body can serve us.

Churches that are preaching that Christians are deserving of and
entitled to good things, happiness, blessings, and personal fulfill-
ment are bursting at the seams. Churches that preach poorness
in spirit, mournfulness for sin, meekness, purity in heart, and a
hunger for righteousness, are struggling to find people willing to
listen. Are we witnessing the fulfillment of Paul's warning to Timothy,
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears,
they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their
ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables."

We can't be hungry for righteousness and addicted to self at the
same time.

Source: http://rcvdoug.blogspot.com/2012/10/addicted-to-self.html

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