বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

My Review Of The Amazing Jiaogulan Tea ? It Can Really Help You ...

A box of 40 Jiagulan teabags at RM6-50 or USD2-10 only

Hi there, dear friends :D

For those of you new to this tea, do read my earlier introduction post on Jiagulan Tea HERE?for its background information and how I stumbled upon this inexpensive but yet very powerful health tea. :idea: ?

My daily ?dosage? of Jiaogulan Tea ===> at least 3 to 4 cups daily; sometimes up to 7 cups on those days I need more energy for increased physical activities. On average, I would say that I drink 5 cups of that tea daily. ?

Tips :idea: ===> It helps to take the tea right after lunch and dinner for better digestion and ?cut the oil/fat? from the food. ?Be sure to continue drinking water while on this tea and to spread the consumption of this tea evenly throughout the day for best effect. ?

I will now go straight into my feedback and review after having drank the Jiaogulan Tea ?(3 to 5 cups daily) for slightly more than 1 month. During that period, I refrained from drinking other types of herbal teas, coffee and tea, so that whatever effects I felt can be attributed to this tea alone :idea: .

A refreshing cup of Jiagulan Tea, made from loose rolled leaves

1) my energy levels has increased substantially!?

Right before drinking the Jiagulan Tea, ?I was right in the middle of my peri/menopausal fog, whereby neither tea nor coffee can increase my level of energy to carry out my daily tasks. I am embarassed to say this :oops: , but I was spending my days watching TV and most of my meals were takeouts as I didn?t even have the zest to cook.?

Today, I have reclaimed back my life and I am back to cooking yummy meals and cleaning my house happily again! ?My Korean dramas? I have a backlog of them to catch up now! :lol: ?

Just drinking a cup of Jiaogulan Tea first thing in the morning is my picker-upper for the day and the good thing is, it does not have any caffeine!

2) my body immunity and health has improved ? sinusitis is gone at last!

I only realised that my sinus problems had gone when one day, I noticed that I didn?t have my usual congested or itchy nose, itchy eyes due to a very bad hazy weather! I was really surprised and happy that my nasal system has healed! ?I no longer go to bed at night with a congested nose?.most impressive is that I am no longer allergic to my cats! ?

Previously, I would sneeze a lot and have itchy eyes whenever I got close to my cats, or I was sitting on a place where my cats had been.?

3) my stomach has strengthened and my digestive system is much better

Before drinking the Jiaogulan Tea, I was advised by my Chinese physician to refrain from taking cold or iced drinks, to stop eating my favourite foods like nasi lemak, tea, mee or meehoon, even apple cider vinegar because they cause my stomach to bloat up like a rock and I would get severe indigestion.?

Nowadays, I can consume all those foods and drinks above without any problem. I can even drink a glass of iced cold tea and my stomach would feel fine. Before, my stomach would feel like a rock right away.

I?m so glad I can now indulge again in my favourite foods and drinks! :D

4) Jiaogulan Tea rescued me from the terrible menopausal climatic change

Before 1 month ago, I was suffering from the effects of the menopausal climatic change whereby I had no energy, no control of my life, no appetite (hence, didn?t cook for my family), no good sleep, irritability, etc. ?

Jiaogulan Tea gave me back my life! :D

5) anyone cranky in the family? Jiaogulan Tea brings happiness and smiles!?

Hahaha :lol: ??.. this tea has an amazing relaxing quality on the mind. Your partner, spouse or children in a bad mood, angry or stressed? Just quietly give them the Jiagulan Tea to drink and observe them calming down half an hour later! :wink: ?

Since the past 1 month, there are now a lot of smiles and happy faces in my family because everyone is so relaxed when they drink this tea! I can also vouch for its effectiveness in calming anxiety because during my menopausal climatic change, my mood was so bad and tensed?but after drinking this tea, my mind is clear, peaceful and filled with positive thoughts!

Remember the famous book ?The Laws of Attraction? ? having a positive mind is a good thing, for it will attract positive energies (Luck) to our lives! :idea: ?

6) restoring good sleep and getting rid of insomnia

The boss of the Chinese Medicine Shop told me that the teabag version is more potent in giving us a good night?s sleep. However, its effect may not be instantaneous and could take a while of drinking this tea. Nonetheless, it does help us to sleep deeper and better.?

Before I drank this tea, I would often fall asleep and then wake up 3 hours later in the middle of the night, wide awake?these days, I can easily sleep a good 8 hours through the night, with lesser visits to the bathroom. ?However, for one night, I couldn?t sleep well because during dinner, I had drank some herbal ginseng soup which kept me up a little. :oops: ?

8) Jiaogulan Tea helped me to lose weight!

After drinking Jiaogulan Tea for 1 month only, I had lost 2 kilos (4.4 pounds) in weight! Before, I used to weigh 61 kg, but today, I weigh 59 kg?.yippee! :D

Not only that, my stomach is much flatter and my waist is smaller.?

I noticed that if I had consumed oily and rich foods (fried stuff, cakes, etc), the next day, the bowel movement is more oily?.i.e. somehow, the Jiaogulan Tea helps to cut the oil effectively and helps our body to get rid of the fat, instead of storing it in our body! ?Also, the oilier the food, the more often your bowel movements the next day. :wink: ?

9) my skin and facial complexion improved and more balanced

I noticed after 3 weeks of drinking this tea that my skin is much smoother, silky and softer to the touch?plus, my facial complexion is much better. A persistent dry-skinned spot on my left cheek has suddenly cleared up and my combination oily and dry skin tones have become balanced?just right to the touch.?

Previously, I would need to use oil blotting paper often on my oily forehead and nose, but nowadays, ?I don?t need to do that anymore.?

Perhaps, the tea is helping the body to digest food better and ridding the body of oils, hence the better skin tone??

10) Jiaogulan Tea helps to reduce cholesterol?

My Chinese Medical Shop boss and his neighbour have successfully reduced their cholesterol levels to the normal range after consuming this tea for a few years already. I will have a cholesterol test done in 5 months? time to confirm if this tea does help to reduce blood lipids. :idea: ?

11) my bones and body strengthened ? healing is hastened

I used to suffer from an aching body for days whenever I had done some strenuous house chores or had carried many heavy bags of groceries up many flights of stairs during marketing (pasar) days (I live in a 3 -stories house).

When I drank this tea, I noticed that whatever aches or pains or sprains I had during the day, after a good night?s sleep, they are gone! :shock: ?

Somehow, the body heals faster and better?all the body needs is some good rest!?

I also feel that my backbone or spine is stronger because I can now bend at my waist often and not suffer from lower backaches anymore. Previously, I often have to bend at my knees to avoid having lower backaches. That?s why I say my lower back is stronger now. ?:D

12) Jiaogulan Tea has anti-aging properties, hence it?s nickname as ?The Immortality or Longevity Tea?

No one can stop aging, but with all the goodness of this tea as mentioned above, I am really glad that it certainly helps me to age gracefully and happily! :D

Well, that?s all the feedback I have for now. I will add any new feedback later to the comments box below. Meanwhile, I strongly encourage you to find this tea and give it a try. After all, it is inexpensive and has so many health benefits. This tea is not cooling and has no overdose effects?therefore, it is safe for people who are elderly to drink, too! :wink:

With best wishes for good health,

choesf :D


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Source: http://happyhomemaker88.com/2012/10/11/my-review-of-the-amazing-jiaogulan-tea-it-can-really-help-you-to-lose-weight-improve-complexion-age-gracefully-relax-strengthen-body-enhance-immunityhealth-remove-perimenopause-effects-res/

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