শুক্রবার, ১৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

There's No Shame In Letting Go Of A Relationship That's Going ...

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If there was one thing I used to resent myself for, it was the way that I would fight tooth and nail to hold together a relationship that was clearly over.?I mean, I would be so emotionally worn-out by the time I finally accepted that the relationship was coming to an end. Not even because of the nature of the break up, but because of how hard I would fight to hold everything together. I never slowed down long enough to even ask myself if there was anything left in the relationship worth saving. All I knew was that I was about to lose something, and I don?t like losing things. I would be like an insane person, sitting at a table with a pile of broken glass from a shattered mirror in front of me. With my fingers all cut up and bleeding, I?d attempt to glue the slivers of glass that once formed the mirror back together. Of course, in the end, I?d never achieve the goal of putting the mirror (relationship) back together fully, at least not permanently anyway, because in many cases, once it?s broken, it?s broken.

One day, it dawned on me that once a season (or relationship) is over, there?s not much you can do to bring it back and sometimes attempting to do anything and everything to piece it back together only makes things more painful and strained. As I reflect on past relationships, it amazes me how much emotional energy could have been saved and pain that could?ve been avoided if I just accepted the fact that the relationship had simply run its course and it was time to move on. I also eventually realized that we sometimes aren?t even actually fighting for the person themselves, but for what being with them represents and against what not being with them symbolizes. We commonly associate break-ups with failure because to some of us, it means admitting that we were wrong?wrong about a person we trusted. It means admitting that while we thought this person was?the one, we somehow miscalculated something, somewhere along the way.

Cutting your losses and moving on doesn?t mean that you didn?t love or care about the person because you?re being realistic about the fact that it?s over. It just means you love yourself enough not to constantly subject yourself to the pain of forcing something that?s finished. Everywhere you turn, we?re being told that love is worth fighting for and while I do believe this is true, there are some instances when fighting against a break-up is only prolonging the inevitable, especially when the other party makes it clear that they have no interest in salvaging what?s left of the relationship.

Breaking up doesn?t always require crying, begging, pleading, struggling or even getting indignant. You don?t have to always do something to spite the person just because they hurt you. You don?t have to seek revenge. You don?t have to struggle to make that person stay with you, because the truth of the matter is that when a person desires to end a relationship, they?re gone long before they actually leave anyway. Sometimes breaking up means being mature enough to understand that the love is gone and and it?s best for your growth as a person and happiness if you move forward. Sometimes it means being lady enough to depart from where you?re no longer desired, but recognizing that somewhere down the road you?ll meet someone who will. Sometimes it means leaving with your dignity in tact. Sometimes breaking up simply means taking a deep breath and letting go.

Follow Jazmine on Twitter @jazminedenise

All photos are courtesy of Shutterstock

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Source: http://madamenoire.com/253042/were-going-nowhere-fast-how-i-learned-that-not-every-relationship-is-worth-fighting-for/

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